(Isn't this just the most magical fabric you ever did see?)
I'm not the most experienced of seamstresses, what with being mostly self taught and all, but I love experimenting with my Singer and often create my own patterns for dresses and tops and the like of it. But if you're new to sewing (like I was about a year ago) you might find patterns rather intimidating. Don't worry, though - this skirt doesn't even need a pattern! And it only takes about an hour to make (even less if you're heavy on the foot pedal!).
I've made a skirt like this once before, and it really is the easiest thing ever. You can either use one long rectangular piece of fabric, or two smaller pieces that you sew together. I went for the second option, as the piece of fabric I had available wasn't big enough for the first option. You decide the length and width of the fabric you use based on the circumference of your waist and how much volume you want the skirt to have. I only had enough fabric for a mini skirt, but you're free to adjust the length of the skirt as you wish. And remember - the wider the pieces of fabric, the fuller the skirt!
I always iron the fabric before I start sewing:
(Maybe it's time I invested in a proper ironing board…?)
Once ironed, put the two pieces of fabric together (right side against right side) and secure with sewing pins along the short edges...
And sew!
Feel free to fasten the 'fold' as you see fit. I usually fold it over to one side and sew over it once more so that it stays in place.
Repeat on the other side. You'll now have an enormous tube of a skirt:
Now the time has come to hem the waist. I do this by first folding down the desired width of the hem, before folding it once more (start in one place and work your way around). I'm sure there are many ways to hem the waist of a skirt - use the method you like best! Just make sure to leave enough room for an elastic band to be threaded through afterwards (make sure to adjust the size of your hem according to the width of the elastic band you want to use).
When sewing, remember to leave a small opening for inserting the elastic band!
I use safety pins when threading elastic bands:
Once you've threaded the elastic band through all the way it'll look something like this:
I find the best way to adjust the length of the elastic band is to wear the skirt while adjusting it - that way you're guaranteed to get the right fit! I fasten the elastic band by tying the two ends together (very crude, I know) before sewing the gap shut with the sewing machine (you can also do this by hand if you wish):
Don't forget to hem the bottom of the skirt too! And just so you know - the bobbin thread will ALWAYS run out 10cm before the finish line. Always. This is completely normal. It never fails:
But it does help that once you've refilled the bobbin, re-threaded the machine and finished the remaining 10cm of hem (all while quietly cursing Murphy and whoever else might be out there), you're left with a fully functioning skirt:
I'm not at all skilled at mirror selfies, but I'm gonna throw one in anyway:
I now wish all my clothes had golden ladybugs on them.
Have you ever sewn a skirt? If so, how did you do it?
VA!!! Det är det finaste tyget jag någonsin sett! VAR har du hittat det? Jag är så avundsjuk så det gör lite ont i knäna! Så perfekt, magiskt, vackert och underbart, underbart, underbart som kjol!
ReplyDeleteJag har sytt en del kjolar - hittade ett mönster på loppis för 10 kronor som jag alltid använder och som är enkelt att göra om, ändra längd och knappsättning på. Just nu letar jag efter ett klänningsmönster som kan funka som bas på samma vis. Det hade varit en DRÖM att ha en klänning i det där tyget!
Stoffet er ei gåve frå skattekista til mamma! Anar verkeleg ikkje kvar ho har kjøpt det (ho er ein mester på å finne fine stoff!)… Men veit såpass at det er Garden Etchings #2883 by Ro Gregg - kven veit, kanskje klarar du å spore det opp? Lukke til med skattejakta! ;) Så praktisk med mønster! Burde verkeleg prøve å finne eit liknande sjølv! Enn så lenge trivst eg med å prøve meg fram - det går liksom greit så lenge ein syr til seg sjølv, då er jo modellen alltid tilgjengeleg. :)