Monday, 30 May 2016

Easy no-pattern skirt

(Isn't this just the most magical fabric you ever did see?)

I'm not the most experienced of seamstresses, what with being mostly self taught and all, but I love experimenting with my Singer and often create my own patterns for dresses and tops and the like of it. But if you're new to sewing (like I was about a year ago) you might find patterns rather intimidating.  Don't worry, though - this skirt doesn't even need a pattern! And it only takes about an hour to make (even less if you're heavy on the foot pedal!). 

I've made a skirt like this once before, and it really is the easiest thing ever. You can either use one long rectangular piece of fabric, or two smaller pieces that you sew together. I went for the second option, as the piece of fabric I had available wasn't big enough for the first option. You decide the length and width of the fabric you use based on the circumference of your waist and how much volume you want the skirt to have. I only had enough fabric for a mini skirt, but you're free to adjust the length of the skirt as you wish. And remember - the wider the pieces of fabric, the fuller the skirt! 

I always iron the fabric before I start sewing: 

(Maybe it's time I invested in a proper ironing board…?)

Once ironed, put the two pieces of fabric together (right side against right side) and secure with sewing pins along the short edges... 

And sew!

Feel free to fasten the 'fold' as you see fit. I usually fold it over to one side and sew over it once more so that it stays in place. 

Repeat on the other side. You'll now have an enormous tube of a skirt:

Now the time has come to hem the waist. I do this by first folding down the desired width of the hem, before folding it once more (start in one place and work your way around). I'm sure there are many ways to hem the waist of a skirt - use the method you like best! Just make sure to leave enough room for an elastic band to be threaded through afterwards (make sure to adjust the size of your hem according to the width of the elastic band you want to use). 

When sewing, remember to leave a small opening for inserting the elastic band!

I use safety pins when threading elastic bands: 

Once you've threaded the elastic band through all the way it'll look something like this:  

I find the best way to adjust the length of the elastic band is to wear the skirt while adjusting it - that way you're guaranteed to get the right fit! I fasten the elastic band by tying the two ends together (very crude, I know) before sewing the gap shut with the sewing machine (you can also do this by hand if you wish):

Don't forget to hem the bottom of the skirt too! And just so you know - the bobbin thread will ALWAYS run out 10cm before the finish line. Always. This is completely normal. It never fails: 

But it does help that once you've refilled the bobbin, re-threaded the machine and finished the remaining 10cm of hem (all while quietly cursing Murphy and whoever else might be out there), you're left with a fully functioning skirt: 

I'm not at all skilled at mirror selfies, but I'm gonna throw one in anyway:  

I now wish all my clothes had golden ladybugs on them. 

Have you ever sewn a skirt? If so, how did you do it?

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Marker mandala

A while back I had a dig through a bunch of old drawings. I came across a couple of marker mandalas I made about a year ago, and decided to make another one! I started off by choosing a pleasing colour palette: 

Of course, snacks and tea are compulsory when drawing (in the background you can see some of the old mandalas I dug out): 

I start drawing my mandalas by making a circle in the middle of the paper and then take it from there, continuously expanding the mandala ring by ring until the paper has been filled:  

I didn't have any plan whatsoever for what I wanted the mandala to look like. I just drew whatever shapes felt natural: 

Once I'd finished with the markers, I used a fine black liner to make the mandala look a wee bit more interesting, once again starting in the middle and drawing my way outwards:  

And, after a couple of hours' work… Ta-da!

Have you tried drawing mandalas? 

Monday, 16 May 2016


A friend of mine recently commissioned a drawing of our little group of friends playing the board game SmallWorld together. What a fun challenge!

I started off by drawing our living room, where the board game playing usually takes place: 

Then, sat on the sofa, I drew my boyfriend as a skeleton: 

One friend I decided to draw a wise mage, and myself I turned into an elf: 

The commissioner himself got to be the evil sorcerer: 

I then added the background and, of course, the actual board game: 

I love watching my drawings slowly come to life as I add colour after colour (it's the best feeling): 

That's the colouring part done with: 

And here's the end result: 

I thoroughly enjoyed creating this drawing, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more commissions like this one in the future!

Have you ever played SmallWorld? 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Surreal Landscape

We're still doing landscapes in arts class, and I'm actually kind of enjoying it! What is more, I've now reached a point where I willingly reach for my dry pastels at the beginning of every lesson - I honestly never thought this day would come! We can of course use whichever medium we want, but I find that pastels are just so pleasingly straight forward and simple to use. No beating around the bush, and no need to wait for the paint to dry. 

Last Tuesday our arts teacher handed us these two printouts: 

She told us to use the photo on the left as inspiration, including whichever trees we liked the best from the image on the right. Fun! This where I left off at the end of our two-hour class: 

As you can see, I'd managed to finish the tree on the left, but the other two trees plus the foreground remained unfinished. But, of course, I couldn't just leave it like that! So yesterday I dug out my dry pastels again and got cracking: 

About two seconds in my fingers looked like this: 

And before I knew it I had finished the whole thing!

This has been my favourite pastel project so far. The end result is both simplistic but still strangely surreal, I think. And I love how there's a summer storm brewing in the background. 


Creating art is a dirty business for sure! 

Have you ever tried dried pastels?

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Orange Cat Dress

Two weeks ago I made a dress - my favourite, and most advanced dress to date. Last time I visited Ikea (yes, Ikea) I found this lovely orange cat fabric, and I knew immediately that I had to buy enough of it to make a dress. And so I did, and here it is: 

I don't own any dress patterns, so I made my own. I picked out an old top that I really like and traced its outline onto paper, then used the home made pattern to sew a similar top from the cat fabric. I then took what remained of the fabric and turned it into a skirt, before sewing the skirt and top together. I also added a elastic band to the waist to create a nicer waistline.

I love this dress so much, and I've worn it several times already. It's so so comfortable and fits me perfectly - I guess that's the beauty of sewing your own clothes! The only thing this dress lacks are pockets, but I haven't learned how to add pockets yet, so that'll have to be for some other dress some other time. I realise this dress might be a bit over the top for some people, but to me it's perfect. I love cats, and orange is one of my favourite colours, so what could possibly be better than a dress with an orange cat print? 

This is how the dress makes me feel:

Can't wait to make another dress like this one!

What do you think of the dress? Over the top or spot on? 

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Breakfast in the Great Hall: Step by step

Last week was a pretty busy week for me, leaving little time to draw. So when Sunday finally arrived, I decided to put everything else aside and spent the entire day with my beloved pencils and pens. I started off by sketching some portraits, but it just didn't feel right. My fingers were itching for a bigger project, a project that would take longer than just a couple of hours to complete. 

And so I decided to once again embark upon some Harry Potter fanart (third time in about a month, must be some sort of record for me): Breakfast in the Great Hall, with Ron, Hermione and Harry! 

I tried to include as many of the breakfast foods mentioned in the books as possible, including croissants, marmalade, pancakes, toasts, sandwiches, Cheeri Owls and Pixie Puffs. 

Of course, a suitable background was needed (without one this breakfast scene could've taken place pretty much anywhere):  

House banners, floating (unlit) candles, and a scenic view of the mountainous Scotland outside:  

Et voilĂ !  

Hermione's multitasking efficiently to get to class on time: 

Harry's looking at her with an amused smile while eating his porridge: 

And Ron is, of course, asleep (no surprise there): 

I had so much fun with this one (even though I almost gave up on it halfway through, as with most of my drawings - I always soldier on, though!). Finishing it took the best part of a day, hence the varying quality on the photos (sorry about that). I'm really into detailed drawings at the moment, and I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I manage to fill an entire sheet. More drawings like this one are sure to follow. Stay tuned!


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