Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Simple floral top

I've made myself a new favourite top! I didn't have enough of the floral fabric to make an entire top, so I substituted with some plain black fabric for the back, and I think I made it work! I created the pattern by using a top I already had, placing it on top of a sheet of paper and drawing around it. Easy peasy! If you're a rookie sewer (like me) then this is a great way to get started - pick a simple item from your own wardrobe (one you know fits you just right) and use it as a starting point.

(Sorry 'bout the bad mirror selfie). 

It took me an evening to create this little beauty - about 4-ish hours (or two episodes of Radioresepsjonen plus one episode of Thinking Sideways, hehe). If I can do this, then so can you!


  1. Så oerhört fin topp! Och så vackert tyg? Skulle kunna ha ett antal klädesplagg i det mönstret! :)

    1. Takk! Eg og synst stoffet var kjempefint! Eg har spart på det lenge lenge, men så tenkte eg at eg må jo berre bruke det… det er jo til ingen nytte så lenge det kun ligg i ein boks. :) Så då vart det ein topp i staden!
